The purpose of this Request for Information is to solicit information from qualified businesses or organizations who are interested in developing, establishing, and managing a museum that highlights the history and culture of Denver at the McNichols Civic Center Building.


Denver Arts & Venues (DAV) is an agency of the City and County of Denver whose mission is to amplify Denver’s quality of life and economic vitality through premier public venues, and arts and entertainment opportunities.

DAV operates some of the region’s most renowned facilities, including Red Rocks Amphitheatre, the Denver Performing Arts Complex, Colorado Convention Center, Denver Coliseum and the McNichols Civic Center Building. These high-profile venues are well known regionally, nationally, and internationally, and provide a substantial, positive economic impact on the Denver metropolitan area.

These DAV facilities host a wide array of public and private events, including concerts; shows produced by Denver’s performing arts groups and national touring companies; cultural activities from films to lectures, rodeos and other sporting events; family entertainment; and conventions, trade shows and consumer shows. In hosting these events, Denver Arts & Venues serves diverse customer groups, including promoters, producers, performers, patrons and members of the public who attend performances. DAV also oversees the Denver Public Art program and entertainment and cultural events such as the Five Points Jazz Festival. DAV is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion in all our programs, initiatives and decision-making processes.

McNichols Civic Center Building – 144 W. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80204

In 1909, the cornerstone of the McNichols Civic Center Building was laid. It set the foundation for the then Carnegie Library that would become a center of learning in Civic Center Park. That tradition continues; Denver Arts & Venues re-opened the building in 2012 as a contemporary hub for arts and culture for the people of Denver. This stunning Greek Revival building with its classic Corinthian columns and iconic colonnade across its front, offers new experiences in a classic space. The venue and surrounding park are a designated a National Historic Landmark. In 2016, a second renovation was completed, adding new features such as a redesigned courtyard, expanded first floor event space, upgraded restrooms and other improvements.

In addition to special events, social events, exhibits and other cultural offerings, the McNichols Building is a key asset within Civic Center Park, and is often used in conjunction with events in the park. DAV works closely with Denver Parks & Recreation, the Office of Special Events and other city agencies, as well as partners such as the Civic Center Conservancy to coordinate event activities that take place in the park throughout the year.

In alignment with the Mayor's goal to create a vibrant downtown Denver, the Civic Center Next 100 and the Civic Center Master Plan, DAV is examining a change in the core operating model for the McNichols Building. Currently, the venue is principally used for special events and exhibits. However, there is a desire to create an environment where public engagement during daytime hours can be increased, while still providing space for special events, cultural programs and other activities. 

Scope of Work

The purpose of this request for information is for the City to better understand the interest and capabilities of a third party organization or business in developing and managing a museum that highlights the history and culture of the City and County of Denver. 

The space available is the second floor of the McNichols Building (approximately 8,500 sq. feet). The exhibits can be permanent, semi-permanent, rotating or some other arrangement sufficient to achieve the goal of creating an active, vibrant space to engage and educate the public during operating hours, and support a future food and beverage establishment on the first floor by bringing in steady foot traffic. 

Connections to the physical location or history of the building are highly desirable. A respect for and adherence to the venue’s Historic Landmark status will be a requirement.

DAV seeks the following information in responses: 

  • The purpose and scope of the proposed museum, addressing how the entity will fulfill the greatest public purpose to the residents and visitors of the City and County of Denver. The information submitted should include suggested exhibits, programs and community engagement activities that support this effort.
  • How the organization is distinct from other museums, galleries and cultural organizations within the City and County of Denver.
  • How the proposed museum will increase public activity in the downtown area, and why the McNichols Building is the ideal location for the proposed entity, including projected attendance on a monthly and annual basis.
  • How the proposed museum/entity will engage the community with publicly accessible programming.
  • How the proposed museum will support the overall vision for Denver's Civic Center as outlined in past planning documents for Civic Center, including the Civic Center Next 100 and the Civic Center Master Plan.
  • A description of how the operation of the museum can co-exist with special events and activities that will take place on the third floor throughout the year, as well as how the entity can support sustained future food and beverage offerings on the first floor by driving sustained traffic to the venue.
  • Details regarding what infrastructure is needed to support museum operations, including tenant improvements such as temperature and atmospheric controls, security, access control, operating hours and other conditions relevant to the operation of a museum. (A site visit of the building will be offered during the RFI period.)
  • A business plan on how the organization/entity can maintain and sustain successful operations, including revenue models for admission, corporate and individual fundraising, grants and other income support, as well as an expense model for staffing and administrative costs, acquisition expenses and other expenses.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Denver Arts & Venues is deeply committed to an equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) practice that closes access gaps in arts and culture with urgency and accountability. We believe long-term impact requires changing traditional processes, creating new systems, and developing authentic relationships and transformative work. Our work stands at the intersection of arts, culture and community.


Please deliver the requested information with attachments and supporting documentation. All deliverables shall be presented electronically.

Deadline & Venue Walk-Through

Information is due to Denver Arts & Venues by 5 p.m. on July 25, 2024. 
Please submit all information and questions to:

The McNichols Building walk-throughs will be offered on June 25, 2024, 11 a.m.-noon or 3-4 p.m. 
Address: 144 W. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80204

To attend the building walk-through, please RSVP by emailing by June 23, 2024. 


Denver Arts & Venues complies with and advocates for Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, gender or language. It is your right to request oral or written language assistance services in your primary language, if needed. Please contact Denver Arts & Venues and these services will be provided to you free of charge.

To request documents in an alternate format (such as Braille, large print or accessible electronic format), please contact

For Sign Language Interpreter or Cart Services, please contact

For Other Disability Accommodations, please contact

Please contact us at least three business days in advance for in-person accommodations and at least seven days in advance for translation services.

Denver Arts & Venues የሚመለከታቸውን የፌዴራል ሲቪል መብቶች ሕጎችን የሚያከብር ሲሆን ቋንቋን ለማካተት በዘር፥ በቀለም፥ በብሔረሰብ፥ በዕድሜ፥ በአካል ስንኩልነት ወይም በጾታ ልዩነት አያደርግም። ካስፈለገ፥ በአፍ መፍቻ ቋንቋዎ የቃል ወይም የጽሑፍ የቋንቋ ድጋፍ አገልግሎቶችን መጠየቅ መብትዎ ነው። እባክዎን Denver Arts & Venues ን በ  ይገናኙና እነዚህ አገልግሎቶች በነጻ ይቀርቡልዎታል።

لقوانین الحقوق المدنیة الفدرالیة المنطبقة ولا تمارس التمییز على أساس Denver Arts & Venues تمتث ل العرق أو اللون أو الأصل القومي أو العمر أو الإعاقة أو النوع لإدراج لغة. من حقك طلب خدمات المساعدة اللغویة على البرید الإلكتروني Denver Arts & Venues الشفھیة أو المكتوبة بلغتك الأساسیة، إذا لزم الأمر. یرجى التواصل مع وسیتم توفیر ھذه الخدمات لك مجاناً.

Denver Arts & Venues သည် ဗဟိုအစိုးရ၏ အများြပည်သူရပိုင်ခွင့်များဆိုင်ရာ ဥပေဒများကို လိုက်နာ􀆱ပီး၊ လူမျိုး၊ အသားေရာင်၊ မူရင်း􀇳ိုင်ငံ၊ အသက်အရွယ်၊ မသန်စွမ်းမ􀋪၊ ဘာသာစကားအပါအဝင်၊ အမျိုးသားအမျိုးသမီးအြဖစ်ခံယူမ􀋪တို့ကို အေြခခံ􀆱ပီး ခွဲြခားဆက်ဆံြခင်း မြပုပါ။ လိုအပ်ပါက၊ ေြပာစကားအတွက်ြဖစ်ေစ ေရးသားထားသည့် စကားအတွက်ြဖစ်ေစ အကူအညီဝန်ေဆာင်မ􀋪များကို သင်အဓိကေြပာဆိုေသာ ဘာသာစကားြဖင့် ေတာင်းဆိုပိုင်ခွင့် သင်၌􀇹ှိပါသည်။ Denver Arts & Venues ကို တို့တွင် ဆက်သွယ်ပါ၊ ထိုအခါ ဤဝန်ေဆာင်မ􀋪များကို သင့်အား အခမဲ့ေပးပါမည်။

Denver Arts & Venues 遵守适用的联邦民权法律,并且不会因为种族、肤色、民族、年龄、残疾或性别(包括语言)而歧视任何人。如有需要,您有权申请您的首选语言的口头或书面语言援助服务。请联系 Denver Arts & Venues,将免费为您提供此等服务。

تابع قوانین حقوق مدنی فدرال است و بر اساس نژاد، رنگ پوست، تبار ملی،Denver Arts & Venues سن، معلولی ت یا جنسیت و زبان افراد را مورد تبعیض قرار نمیدھد. این حق شماست کھ در صورت نیاز، خدمات و بھ نشانی ایمیل Denver Arts & Venues کمکزبانی شفاھی یا کتبی بھ زبان اصلی خود درخواست کنید. لطفا با تماس بگیرید و این خدمات بھ صورت رایگان بھ شما ارائھ میشود شماره تلفن

Denver Arts & Venues respecte les lois fédérales applicables en matière de droits civiques et n’exerce aucune discrimination fondée sur la race, la couleur, l'origine nationale, l'âge, la situation de handicap ou le sexe, y compris la langue. Vous avez le droit de demander des services d'assistance linguistique orale ou écrite dans votre langue principale en cas de besoin. Veuillez contacter Denver Arts & Venues à, et ces services vous seront offerts gratuitement.

Denver Arts & Venues လူၤပိာ်မၤထွဲ၀ဲဒၣ် ကီၢ်စၢဖှိၣ်ကမျၢၢ်ခွဲးယာ်ဂ့ၢ်၀ီသဲစးတၢ်သိၣ်တၢ်သီတဖၣ်ဒီး တပဲာ်ထံနီၤဖးတၢ် ဒိးသန့ၤသးလၢ ကလုာ် ဖံးဘ့ၣ်လွဲၢ် ကလုာ်ဂံၢ်ထံး သးနံၣ် တၢ်နီၢ်ခိက့ၢ်ဂီၤတလၢပှဲၤ မ့တမ့ၢ် တၢ်ကဲမုၣ်ခွါ လၢကပာ်ဃုာ်ကျိာ်အဂီၢ်ဘၣ်လီၤႋ မ့ၢ်နတၢ်ခွဲးတၢ်ယာ်လၢကဃ့ထီၣ်ကျိာ်တၢ်တိစၢၤမၤစၢၤ လၢတၢ်စံးကတိၤလၢထးခိၣ် မ့တမ့ၢ် တၢ်ကွဲးလံာ်ကွဲးလဲၢ် လၢအမ့ၢ်နဂံၢ်ခီၣ်ထံးကျိာ်အဂီၢ် ဖဲအလီၢ်အိၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤႋ ၀ံသးစူၤဆဲးကျၢ Denver Arts & Venues ဖဲ ဒီးတၢ်ဖံးတၢ်မၤတဖၣ်အံၤ ကမၤစၢၤနၤလၢနတဘၣ်လၢာ်ဒီး တၢ်ဘူးတၢ်လဲဘၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤႋ

Denver Arts & Venues ले भाषा सामेल गन􀅊का लािग लागूयो􀆶 फेडेरल नाग􀄯रक अिधकार कानुनह􀅝को पालना गद􀅊छ तथा जात, वण􀅊, उ􀈋ि􀈅 रा􀊼􀅌, उमेर, अस􀆅ता, वा िल􀇀का आधारमा िवभेद गद􀅔न। यिद आव􀊴क भए, आफ्नो प्राथिमक भाषामा मौ􀄰खक वा िल􀄰खत भाषा सहयोग सेवाह􀅝का लािग अनुरोध गनु􀅊 तपाईँको अिधकार हो। कृपया Denver Arts & Venues लाई मा स􀉼क􀅊 गनु􀅊होस् र यी सेवाह􀅝 तपाईँका लािग िनशु􀊋 प्रदान ग􀄯रनेछन्।

Denver Arts & Venues соблюдает действующие федеральные законы о гражданских правах и не допускает дискриминации по признаку расы, цвета кожи, национального происхождения, возраста, инвалидности или пола, а также языку. Вы имеете право, если необходимо, запросить помощь в виде устного или письменного перевода на свой основной язык. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к следующему лицу: Denver Arts & Venues по, и эти услуги будут предоставлены вам бесплатно.

Denver Arts & Venues waxay addeecdaa sharciyada xuquuqda madaniga ee Dowladda dhexe oo ma sameeyaan wax takoor ah oo sal looga dhigo jinsi, middab, asal qaran, da’, naafonimo, ama lab ama diddig oo lagu daro luqad. Xaq baad u leedahay inaad codsatid adeegyo caawimaad oo af ah ama mid qoraal ah oo aad ku soo codsan karto luqaddaada koowaad in aad ku soo codsato, haddii loo baahdo. Fadlan kala xiriir Denver Arts & Venues kala soo xiriir oo adeegyadan ayaa lagu siin doonaa si bilaash ah oo wax lacag ah aan lagugu soo dalacayn.

Denver Arts & Venues cumple con las leyes federales vigentes en materia de derechos civiles y no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad o sexo, ni tampoco por el idioma. Usted tiene derecho a solicitar servicios de asistencia de idiomas oral o escrita en su idioma principal, si lo necesita. Póngase en contacto con Denver Arts & Venues al y se le proporcionarán estos servicios sin costo.

Denver Arts & Venues tuân thủ các luật Liên bang áp dụng về dân quyền và không phân biệt đối xử trên cơ sở chủng tộc, màu da, nguồn gốc quốc gia, độ tuổi, tình trạng khuyết tật hay giới tính khi cung cấp dịch vụ ngôn ngữ. Quý vị có quyền yêu cầu dịch vụ hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ qua lời nói hay văn bản bằng ngôn ngữ chính của quý vị, nếu cần. Vui lòng liên hệ Denver Arts & Venues tại, và những dịch vụ này sẽ được cung cấp miễn phí cho quý vị.