Denver Arts & Venues calls for local artists to participate in Art Drop Day Denver
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Denver Arts & Venues calls for local artists to delight and surprise Denver residents, and create positive connections through art by committing to participate in World Art Drop Day Tuesday, Sept. 4.
World Art Drop Day occurs annually on the first Tuesday of September and was conceived by Utah’s Jake Parker with the goal of connecting people to one another, and generating random bonds between strangers through the act of creating and giving.
“It’s a remarkably fun and positive day,” says Denver Arts & Venues Director Kent Rice. “On the surface, it’s about having a fun time, but on a deeper level it’s about bringing people together through acts of creation, participation and contribution.”
Participation is simple: first, artists commit to participate by filling out the online form and creating a small, inexpensive piece or two to share on Art Drop Day. Then, on Tuesday, Sept. 4, they hide their art around town. Next, they drop hints and clues on social media so people can find the hidden works, and finally the artists watch and wait for someone to discover their creations. The public can participate in the fun and search for art by following #artdropday and #artdropdenver on social media, or by joining the Art Drop Denver Facebook group.
“It was so exciting to see the momentum that Art Drop Denver gained last year,” says Denver Arts & Venues Strategic Partnerships & Community Programming Specialist Brooke Dilling. “The Facebook group has almost 900 members. Last year artists went all out, some of them even hiding several pieces of art. There were Art Drop Day art making parties. People went on all-day quests to find art. The stories that we heard and saw on social media were absolutely amazing, and we hope this year will be even bigger.”
In addition to hiding mini replicas of Lawrence Argent’s “I See What You Mean” (colloquially known as the Big Blue Bear at Colorado Convention Center) and dropping clues on and, Denver Arts & Venues purchased artworks from Access Gallery for City Councilmembers to hide in their districts.
There is no deadline for artists who wish to participate in Art Drop Denver. More information and FAQs can be found on