Mayor Hancock declares October National Arts and Humanities Month
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Whereas, the month of October has been recognized as National Arts and Humanities Month by thousands of arts and cultural organizations, communities, and states across the country, as well as by the White House and Congress for over 30 years;
Whereas, the arts and humanities embody much of the accumulated wisdom, intellect, and imagination of humankind;
Whereas, the arts and humanities enhance and enrich the lives of every American;
Whereas, the arts and humanities play a unique role in the lives of our families, our communities, and our country;
Whereas, Denver’s cultural plan, IMAGINE 2020, sets forward a collective vision for arts, cultural and creativity in the city of Denver that benefits the many;
Whereas, programs and events like the Five Points Jazz Festival, Urban Arts Fund, P.S. You Are Here and 1% for Public Art Program benefit Denver’s quality of life and vitality;
Whereas, 507,238 children and adults in the Denver metro area enriched their lives by enrolling in arts and culture classes; and total outreach to children reached 3.9M;
Whereas, in the Denver metro area, the nonprofit arts industry also strengthens our economy by generating $1.8 billion in total economic activity, 13.9 million in attendance, and by supporting the full-time equivalent of 10,731 jobs;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Mayor Michael B. Hancock, do hereby proclaim October as National Arts and Humanities Month in the City and County of Denver and call upon our citizens to celebrate and promote the arts and culture in our nation and to specifically encourage the greater participation by those said citizens in taking action for the arts and humanities in their towns and cities.