McNichols Civic Center Building Presents Fall Exhibitions
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Exhibits include those celebrating mature artists with enduring careers, and Denver’s favorite conspiracy theory
Denver Arts & Venues is pleased to present three new Fall exhibitions at McNichols Civic Center Building, continuing to offer FREE art experiences for all.
“Almost a year ago to the day we closed the McNichols Civic Center Building’s doors and shuttered the building, redeploying much of our staff to assist with the City’s COVID-19 response,” said Shanna Shelby, Denver Arts & Venues program administrator and curator of McNichols Building exhibitions. “But we are open again, offering opportunities for Denver residents and visitors to experience free art, and we joyfully present these three strong and powerful exhibitions. As we continue to heal and recover from the pandemic’s impact, exhibitions like these remind us once again how important it is to experience art in person.”
Illuminati DIA: Tunnel Visions (First Floor) Sept. 24-Oct. 28 is a self-guided, multi-site immersive art project inspired by the Denver International Airport. The entire project will consist of eleven related interventions happening between late September and early November, with one located at McNichols Civic Center Building.
Stone, Ritual, Interior: Paintings by Louise Cadillac (Boettcher Cultural Pavilion, Second Floor) Oct. 16-Dec. 19: In 1989, an art critic noted Louise Cadillac’s paintings “work like a vivid but imperfectly understood dream." Cadillac, now in her mid-nineties, employs a number of experimental painting techniques in her work. The works shown here—a mere handful from the more than 700 acrylic paintings, watercolors, and monotypes Cadillac produced during the past half century—are a testament to her life’s work as one of Colorado’s great abstract artists.
Lifetime Artists: Michael Warren Contemporary (Third Floor) Oct. 16-Dec. 19: “Lifetime Artists: Michael Warren Contemporary” salutes artists of longevity, highlighting those who are at least 70 years old and have been practicing their artistic craft for a least 45 years.
“We are excited to present a show of our lifetime artists, a curatorial concept we have been developing with Shanna for more than two years,” said Mike McClung guest curator and owner, Michael Warren Contemporary. “It’s compelling that these 12 artists have dedicated an average of five and a half decades working as creatives and have each gone on to hone their talents by responding to the world using their unique voices. In an atmosphere of constant and rapid change, it’s truly special to salute these artists who have not wavered from their craft.”
During Denver Arts Week, to reach those unable to visit in person and to enhance the exhibition experience, Denver Arts & Venues will be hosting two free virtual events: Stone, Ritual, Interior: Paintings by Louise Cadillac - virtual discussion – Nov. 5, noon and Virtual Tour/Discussion with Mike McClung – Nov. 11, 11 a.m. The exhibits are free and open to the public daily, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
These exhibitions and related events are supported by Denver Arts & Venues Cultural Partner Program.