Photo Courtesy of Downtown Denver Partnership - Kalen Jesse Photography



The 16th Street Performers Network offers an opportunity to activate Denver’s downtown with musicians, artists, entertainers, and performers of all kinds to surprise and delight pedestrians and bring vibrancy to downtown Denver through the arts. 

This program is a collaboration between Denver Arts & Venues (DAV) and the Downtown Denver Partnership (DDP). Denver Arts & Venues will design and administer an application and selection process to create the 16th Street Performers Network, a list of individual artists and ensembles of up to three performers whose work will encourage pedestrians to linger in downtown Denver and make downtown a destination hot spot. DDP will work with local businesses to choose artists from the “Network” and hire them for downtown activations.

The Performers Network is a roster of artists and small ensembles that Denver Downtown Partnership (DDP) can choose from to activate 16th Street. Individual artists or small ensembles of up to three performers working in any genre, including but not limited to musicians, visual artists, craft artists demonstrating their craft, etc. are invited to apply to become part of the roster.

16th Street Performers Network Q&A

What is the 16th Street Performers Network?

The Performers Network is a roster of artists and small ensembles that Downtown Denver Partnership (DDP) can choose from to activate 16th Street. Individual artists or small ensembles of up to three performers working in any genre, including but not limited to musicians, visual artists, craft artists demonstrating their craft, etc. are invited to apply to become part of the roster.

How does the selection process work?

Applications to join the Performers Network roster will be reviewed quarterly by representatives from Denver Arts & Venues and Denver’s Commission on Cultural Affairs. Denver Arts & Venues will notify applicants if they have or have not been selected to be part of the Performers Network.

For those selected to be part of the Performers Network, your information will be shared with the Downtown Denver Partnership, who is responsible for hiring, contracting, and paying all performers for their work. Being accepted to the Performers Network is not a guarantee that you will be hired to perform. Being a part of the Performers Network means that DDP will select artists from the network when performances are planned in partnership with businesses. Artists remain in the Performers Network for a period of two years, after which time you will need to reapply.  

Who can apply?

Any individual artist or small ensembles of up to three performers working in any genre, including but not limited to musicians, visual artists, craft artists demonstrating their craft, circus artists, magicians, etc. will be considered.

What are the performance limitations?

  1. Artists may not place unapproved signage of any type on the mall surface nor attach to any mall furnishings.
  2. Portable generators are not allowed. Most performance locations will not have access to power and applicants with no power needs may have more performance opportunities.
  3. All equipment must be approved by the Downtown Denver Partnership.
  4. Artists cannot use street furnishings for their performances.
  5. No equipment can be connected to planters, trees, lights, or vendor kiosks.
  6. Marking of the ground or any furnishings is prohibited.
  7. Amplified sound is allowed, however, sound levels must be within the restrictions of the current noise ordinance (currently 50 dB). Generally, you should not be heard 100 feet from your location.
  8. If asked to reduce your volume you should do so quickly and kindly. Some businesses require a level of quiet to operate.
  9. Artists should not impede pedestrian traffic or block any business entrance or exit.

What is the rate of pay?

$150 per performance hour for each performer.

The Downtown Denver Partnership will be responsible for contracting and paying all performers for their work. Artists should receive payment within 30 days of their performance.

How will artists be contracted/contracted?

Downtown Denver Partnership will work with local businesses to choose artists from the 16th Street Performers Network appropriate for their business goals. (NOTE: Being accepted to the Network is not a guarantee that an artist will be hired to perform). When an artist or artist group is hired, they will be contacted by DDP who will provide the artist(s) with detailed information about where and when they are being asked to perform, limitations, and requirements, and they will provide the artist(s) with a performance agreement. Performances will generally take place between 10:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. The artist(s) should direct all correspondence and questions about their performance agreement and pay to Downtown Denver Partnership.

Artist notification, payment and reporting details at a glance.

  • DAV will notify artists if they have or have not been selected for the 16th Street Performers Network and will answer any questions from the artists related to the application and selection process.
  • DAV will inform DDP once artists have been notified that they have been selected for the Network. DDP will contact the artists selected with information about pay rate, guidelines and limitations, and timeline of when they may be hired.
  • DDP will pay artists hired to perform within 30 days of their performance/demonstration date.
  • Rate of pay will be $150 per performer for one hour of performance time.


For more information contact:

Shanna Shelby, Program Manager

Language Access

Denver Arts & Venues complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, gender or language. It is your right to request oral or written language assistance services in your primary language, if needed. Please contact Denver Arts & Venues and these services will be provided to you free of charge.